It was amazing to realize that the sort of history we are spoon-fed with, from the early stages of our schooling is mostly fabricated. For instance how many of us are aware of the fact that the current national anthem of our beloved country is not the one approved by the Quaid, The national anthem of Pakistan was actually written by Professor Jagannath Azad, on the personal request of the Quaid. The Quaid deliberately chose a Hindu poet to write the national anthem as he had clearly mentioned in his speech that Hindus will be Hindus no more and the Muslims wont be Muslims anymore (not in the religous sense of course) i,e they will all become Pakistanis.
It is a shame that soon after the death of the Quaid, not only was the national anthem of the country changed but people like professor Jagannath were forced to leave the country.
It is a notable fact that the very people who opposed the creation of Pakistan tried to prevent the Quaid from declaring the poem by professor Jagannath as the national anthem of Pakistan and soon after the death of the Quaid they exercised their influence to change the national anthem. These religious freaks did not stop here they went on to further damage the secular bases of the country and after having passed the objectives resolution they changed the countries name as well.!
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